Good, Clean, and Fair Food

Good, Clean, and Fair Food

Friday, April 15, 2011

2011 Food and Justice Summit

Hey everyone. Sorry, I know this post is really overdue. Katya, Nona, John, Monica and I ventured to Northeastern University to attend the Northeast Food and Justice Summit February 26&27. We had a ton of fun! It was a really great way to connect with other youth concerned about the same issues as us and to see what other high schools and universities were doing to change the food system on their campuses.

Malcom X Grassroots Movement Soul Food Workshop speaker

There were a bunch of workshops to chose from the first day. I went to one about local food procurement on college campuses, where I learned about what schools in Canada are doing to eat within a 100 mile radius. I then went to a workshop on soul food, and after that I met Hnin at her Eat-In workshop, the youth programs coordinator for SFUSA.

The Clover Foodtruck
Chickpea Fritter from Clover.

We ate amazing meals the whole time, and met lots of awesome people. You can find more photos here.
John: "I want real food because....."
Cate: "I want real food because..."

If you ever want to go, they have one every year! Such an inspiring weekend. Great to know there are others out there that care about the same issues we do.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Campus Consciousness Tour

On April 7th 2011, Slow Food Teamed up with The Campus Consciousness Tour. This tour was founded by Reverb, a non profit organization that provides outreach education on sustainability and fair trade. It was founded by environmentalists Lauren Sullivan and her husband Adam Gardner. Along with the Campus Consciousness Tour, Reverb also has other project called the Green Music Tour. Check out their website for a short clip on what they are all about.
The Campus Consciousness Tour follows bands and musicians promoting, and educating fans on protecting the environment by making small lifestyle changes. They came to the URI Ryan Center last night touring with Wiz Kalifia and Slow Food URI was lucky enough to volunteer with the tour! We set up shop in the Ben and Jerry's booth which was promoting Fair Trade products. Fair trade means the farmers who harvest the products are paid a fair price, and are treated with respect. Ben and Jerry's is currently working on making all of their products fair trade. Right now they buy Fair Trade vanilla, coffee, chocolate, and a small amount of sugar for their Fair Trade ice cream products. When purchasing Ben and Jerry's ice cream look for these flavors and the Fair Trade stamp on the carton: Vanilla, Chocolate, Chocolate Macadamia, Milk and Cookies, Coffee, and Heath Bar Crunch. Our job at the Ben and Jerry's booth was to educate students on fair trade and let them spin the wheel to win a free pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream, some cool sunglasses, hats or a music download card. We had a great time and hope the tour comes to URI next year!
Eat some slow Ben and Jerry's!